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Press Report 26/06/17

Dear delegates, chairs, advisors and guests

Our first day at the AleMUN was a huge success, and we, as press, wrote for you the most important things from each council. So let’s enjoy it!

Human Rights Council


The Human Rights Council, composed by 16 delegations (State of Israel, People's Republic of China, Republick of Sierra Leone, Federal Republic of Germany, Federative Republic of Brazil, Boliviarian Republic of Venezuela, Republic of Botswana, Kingdom of Norway, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Japan, Russian Federation, Swiss Confederation, United Kingdom, United States of America abs Republic of Iraq) debated today about Capital Punishment. Venezuela, Brazil, UK, USA, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China and Iraq participated actively in the debate. Venezuela, Brazil and UK are against and the others are in favor. In Japan, Capital Punishment exists, but only when it is associated with murder. Even though, the murderer will only be convicted to death after the age, the criminal records and the number of victims are examined. China thinks that this punishments are a great way to stop the big crimes, but they don't practice it. Japan says that when prisioners are convicted to death they only tell them hours before their execution, because otherwise they'll suffer. Japan claims that they are always thinking about the best for the others.

By Anne Correa

International Court of Justice


In the international court of justice, chaired by Ingrid and Maria Eduarda, debated the whale hunting matter. 16 countries took part in the debate, however actively the delegation of : Japan, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Iceland, the state of Israel, Republic of Korea and the kingdom of Norway. The debate took a speed road, where everything flowed perfectly. In this council every country has a strong opinion on the matter. The day was very productive, hence the delegates already started to write the resolution and debate it. Follow topics where taken in consideration, when debating whale hunting:

1- the number of the hunted whales can not intervene in the balance of the nature.

2- only minke whales that aren't pregnant can be hunted.

3- limited research for 15 years and number depending on species

4- create a committee of countries that hunt whales.

5- it can only hunt whale in another territory if the country give the permission and international water

6- committee will be created and must be committed to it allow countries hunt in vain.

Tomorrow they already set the agenda to debate their next topic : Golan heights.

By Sophie Cupello

Security Council


The security council has the responsability to maintain international safety and peace. They determinate whether there is a potencial threat to peace or an possible act of agression.

The main topic was terrorism. 17 countries took part in the discussion and only 5 of them have the veto power: France, Russia, USA, China and UK.

After the opening speach, it was discused about ways to weaken and measures to stop terrorists organization. Also about terrorism it was spoken about how terrorists are using social media to influence teens into their cause.

Another topic was which countries will give militar support to the kurds and which aren't. It was also talked about the civil war in Syria and wheter or not this council should interfer in it and how.

There was clearly a lot to discuss in the Security Council, and hopefully tomorrow they will have agreed to the same resolution.

By Bettina Bichara


Environmental Program


In the environment council the main topic was ilegal logging, no one was actually in favor because, as Arabia declared, ilegal logging is responsible for the global warming. So the big discussion was how they would try to stop this, a lot of ideas came up, first one was Philippines suggesting that they should stimulate the knowledge of this problem throw media and education, but not all of the countries approved that because it is a long term process. Philippines also suggested that some countries could help others with money and resources but Norway disagreed saying that there was no reason for doing that, because it would be obvious that those countries would use the money for others things. China suggested trying to figure it out which countries are  exporting and importing so that they could stop and punish them, and that idea was approved by Nigeria and Philippines. Another Topic was about Amazonia, which all the countries were in favor to "steal" Amazônia from Brazil, declaring that Brazil wasn't taking the necessary care, but Brazil blamed the other countries for causing that problems and also said that he was able to solve it. Still talking about Amazonia which had just went throw a crisis due to the fire, and they discussed wether Brazil, a country that can't even handle a fire, is able to take care of a whole forest that is important for everybody. But Brazil said that he is able to take care of the forest but not alone, if all the countries benefit themselves with this ecosystem they also need to help in a financial way. But that idea was denied by Philippines that brought again the subject that Brazil can't keep Amazonia because it is not prepared, due to the actual situation from the country. Due to the fact that the fire was still happening china suggested to send water, but that ideia was despised by Philippines because it is a short term resolution and it won't help when the next problem shows up. In other hand, USA is helping Brazil, saying that it would be good to make Amazonia internacional but they can't just take away form Brazil, it makes part of Brazil's economy. Indonesia also agrees with USA not only due to the economy but also because there are Brazilians living in Amazonia and it isn't right to ignore them. As a result of this discussion Amazonia will still be part of Brazil.

By Julia Beirão


World Conference on Technology


The world conference of technology, composed by 16 delegations, discussed about new forms of energy production and Regulation of information. USA, Ukraine, Russia, Japan, China and Germany participated actively in the debate about Energy production. The first three ones are against replacing fuel energy for solar painels or other forms of ecofriendly energy production. They believe in investing in the methods that already exist will improve it and make it even cleaner and costeffective. Japan, China and Germany think that investing in new energy and technology and start to think ahead in the future is the right way to deal whit the situation. The next topic disscussed was the regulation of technology and information. USA, Russia, China, germany and syria suggested that there must be regulation in order to prevent attacks and the security of the nation. Japan and Bolivia are against the regulation of technology. They believe that the privacy of the nation must be preserved.

By Bianca Badofsky


Atomic Energy Council


The meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission, chaired by Mariana Ammon and Clarice Möller, aimed at the aware and safe use of atomic energy, which can be a great source of energy or a great danger to people and the environment. After the introduction of each delegate and quick opening speeches presenting the position of each country regarding atomic energy, which was seen by all of them as very important if not essential, began the first debate about investment management and radioactive waste. Although all of the delegations acknowledged the dangers of having radioactive waste around cities, many ways to handle it were suggested; burying it, recycling it and storing it safely in the surface. All of these solutions come with the risk of an atomic accident, which could mean an environmental disaster. To decrease such risks, it was proposed that the countries taking part in the conference split into groups that had similar positions concerning the importance of atomic energy and wrote resolutions on the topic "Management of Radioactive Waste". The first group, made of Japan, Russia, Iran, India, Ukraine, North Korea, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Argentina and France, defends that atomic energy is, indeed, an irreplaceable energy source. The other five delegations in the committee, Sweden, USA, Brazil, Germany and China, acknowledge the importance of atomic energy sources, but think of it as replaceable. Both of the resolutions will be read and voted on by the entire council on the second day of AleMUN.

By Deborah Rebel


Economic and Social Council


The Economic and Social Council had the participation of countries like United States of America, United Kingdom, Republic of Turkey, Republic of France, Japan, Syrian Arab Republic, Federative, Republic of Brazil, Kingdom of Sweden, People’s Republic of China, Russian Federation, Hungary, Republic of the Philippines, Federative Republic of Germany, Republic of Indonesia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Canada. The conference chaired by Isabela Farina and Arthur von der Schulenburg brought in the first phase, which is composed of the opening speeches, made clear the position of each country, showing how each nation was positioned in relation to the theme. The first debate on topic A eventually resulted in an excellent defense of China. After a time of discussion, the delegates came to the conclusion that North Korea's nuclear potential was very dangerous, making them relinquish China's international seawater zone to China.

By Maria Carolina Martins


UN World Health


The World Health council, chaired by Ana Carolina Callou and Beatriz Lattari, has as its main objective to help the Countries in need of help related to health and to find possible solutions to worldwide problems upon witch the majority of the nations involved agrees to.

Firstly the main topics were problems the nations were passing through, from hunger caused by the lack of food up to overweight populations caused by lack of physical activities among people. During this debate plight of Haiti was highlighted on a serious need of help due to past natural disasters. Thankfully, it was greatly supported among big nations such as Russia, Swiss  and U.S.E witch offered economic and social help. These countries, among others offered help - providing not only food and drinkable water but also doctors and civil engineers - to other countries in need like Cuba, Nigeria and South Sudan. To fight bad nutrition causing overweight and diabetes, the solutions put forward were, teaching children about food in school to prevent them from bad eating habits and offering more obligatory sports in school, promoting physical activity. All of the the said proposals were approved.

The final topic discussed was H.I.V and sexual transmitted diseases which are causing millions of deaths in every one of the nations. After debating the proposals solutions that were approved were to:

Be a choice of each country to teach sexual education in school, since it is considered unethical for some countries while essential for others

Research for cure and invest and vaccines, with a budget provided by U.S.A and U.A.E

Encourage H.I.V testing, selling tests in pharmacies and giving them for free, provided by the government, for those who can't afford

Spreading information to the population, helping the people become aware of the problems through advertisements (mandatory even for the countries that don't allow propaganda due to religious beliefs)

Specialized medical centers, provided by the government

Economic help from developed countries

Free access to condoms, provided by the government.

By John Lucas Bellingal


UN Special Conference on Narcotics


O Conselho Especial de Narcóticos e Drogas reuniu os EUA, Egito, Emirados Árabes, China, Coreia do Sul, Afeganistão, Rússia, Jamaica, Marrocos, Colômbia, Alemanha, Indonésia, Portugal, Canadá, México e os Países Baixos com intuito de debater a legalização da maconha. A discussão foi iniciada com a diferença entre o uso medicinal e recreativo. Após os EUA e a Federação Russa apontarem como isso é tratado em ambos países, os Países Baixos botaram em questão o fato de álcool ser legalizado e cannabis, não. Como todos países têm não só divergências políticas, mas também culturais, a Federação Russa, por exemplo, apresentou a bebida como um costume cultural. As repercussões da descriminalização na economia e suas vantagens/desvantagens também foram assunto de discussão. Na hora do debate moderado, os delegados se dividiram em dois grupos: os com política liberal e os conservadores. O primeiro grupo teve os Países Baixos, EUA e Portugal como autores de um rascunho da resolução, incentivando os direitos humanos e a legalização da maconha. Os conservadores tiveram Federação Russa, Egito e Indonésia como autores, que tiveram como decisão deixar a pena de morte como critério decada delegação. O dia terminou com os delegados se reunindo com os chairs Felipe Kadow e Nicolas Amaral com a intenção de começar a escrever  a resolução.

By Juliana Ernst


UN Women


No conselho especial sobre as mulheres, 17 delegações conseguiram debater hoje sobre o direito das mulheres e como um dos maiores problemas do mundo atual deve ser resolvido. Em conjunto, o Reino da Espanha, a Republica da Angola, o Japão, a Nova Zelândia, a Republica Islâmica do Afeganistão, a Republica Oriental do Uruguai, a Republica Democrática do Congo, Republica do Salvador, Republica da Turquia, Canada, Republica Federativa do Brasil, Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Reino Unido, Republica da Franca, Republica Federal da Alemanha, Estados Unidos da América e a Federação Russa começaram o seu debate abordando os tema da violência domestica que ocorre em todos os países do mundo. Durante as discussões desse tema as delegações do Reino Unido, Brasil, Alemanha e dos Estados Unidos se mostraram interessadas na criação de campanhas e programas voltados a educação dos jovens, para que Segundo as delegações, os problemas da violência domestica possam ser combatidos pela sua raiz, para que também não aconteçam futuras culturas do estupro e altas taxas de feminicidio no nosso mundo. Também foi discutido no conselho das mulheres, que papel a religião exerce e ate que ponto os abusos contra a mulher podem ser consideradas crenças religiosas ou diferenças culturais. Um ótimo tópico para se iniciar a discussão de amanha, onde os nossos honráveis delegados terão que debater sobre as situações das mulheres refugiadas.

By Maneula Moller

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